Script for building mutational trajectory directed graphs.

Using the mutational paths file written by, this script builds a directed graph through sequence space showing the mutational trajectory. This path can be visualized using GraphViz, which is a freely available software package.

The mutational trajectory shows the evolutionary path through sequence space as a directed graph consisting of a series of nodes (sequences) and edges (mutations connecting specific nodes). The trajectory moves from one known sequence to another known sequence, passing through some number of uncertain intermediates. The trajectory is built from some number of possible mutational paths from the starting to ending sequence. In the trajectory, the weight of each node corresponds to the fraction of paths that contain that sequence, while the weight of each edge corresponds to the fraction of paths that contain that edge. Note that if a path contains a node or edge more than once (which can happen if there are mutational cycles), the node or edge is only considered to have occurred once in that path for the purposes of assigning the weights.

To run this script, create an input file of the format described below. Then run the script with that input file as an argument: infile.txt

If the script is not executable on your platform, you can use:

python infile.txt

Input file format

The input file should contain a series of keys (strings without spaces) that are followed by their values. Lines that begin with # are considered comments and are ignored, as are blank lines. The file should contain the following keys:

  • mutpathfile should specify the name of a file containing mutational paths. This file should be in the format created by This file is used to generate the trajectory.

  • translateseqs specifies whether we translate nucleotide sequences into protein sequences and build a trajectory in protein sequence space. If you set this to False, then the sequence paths in mutpathfile are NOT translated – this would be appropriate if either these paths are already in protein sequence space, or they are in nucleotide sequence space but you want to build the trajectory in nucleotide sequece space. However, you may want to construct the paths from the nucleotide sequences, but then build the trajectory in protein sequence space. In that case, the sequences in mutpathfile should specify coding nucleotide sequences, and you should set translateseqs to True. The trajectory object will then consist of protein sequence nodes and edges constructed by translating these nucleotide sequences. Note that no check is performed to make sure that the sequences translate well (i.e. without stop codons, gaps, etc), so be careful you really have nucleotide sequences that are in-frame coding.

  • dotfile should specify the name of the output .dot file created by the script. This file is written in the DOT language, and can be visualized using GraphViz. If this file already exists, it is overwritten.

  • minweight specifies the minimum weight (probability of being on the trajectory) that a node or edge must possess to be displayed. You might want to set this to a value of 0.01 or 0.02 to avoid making a hugh dotfile due to lots of very low weight nodes and edges. If you set it to zero, all nodes and edges with any nonzero weight will be included.

  • labelcutoff specifies the minimum weight that an edge must possess in order for it to be labeled with text showing the mutation for that edge. In addition, all nodes with weights >= labelcutoff have an incoming and outgoing edge that is also labeled. If there is not an actual labeled graph edge with a weight >= labelcutoff to such nodes, then a line spanning several nodes is drawn in another color to connect. Generally, you want labelcutoff > 0.5, and it is possible that the program will run into problems if this is not the case.

  • nodenamefile is a *.fasta file that allows you to specify names for specific nodes in the trajectory. These names are written on each specified node that also has a weight >= labelcutoff (nodes in nodenamefile with weights < labelcutoff are not labeled). If you do not want to use this option, then set this parameter to None. Otherwise, it should be the name of an existing text file. Each header should specify the name given to a node, and the sequences are the sequences of that node. Note that if translateseqs is True then nodenamefile should specify the names for the protein sequences, not the gene sequences, as the trajectory itself will be in protein sequence space in that case. For example, the file below specifies node names for four sequences, two as string names and two as numbers:


    When naming the nodes, you must know the protein sequence that they have. The node name is assigned to the node in the mutational path that has that sequence.

  • mutationdates specifies the prefix for the files we use to display dates for all mutations that occur in at least labelcutoff of the paths. For each such mutation, the time that it first occurs along each path is recorded. The script then outputs the posterior median and the 90% Bayesian credible interval (median centered) of the time of occurrence for each of these mutations taken over the set of paths in which that mutation occurs. In addition, it indicates the posterior probability that the mutation occurs on the forward path from the common ancestor to the ending sequence (the posterior probability that the mutation is on the reverse path from the starting sequence to the common ancestor is one minus this number). In mutpathfile itself, times are measured in units before the most recent tip node on the trees. The times here are measured as lasttipdate minus those times, so if lasttipdate is set to the date of the last tip node, then the times listed here are actually dates. A text file with the prefix mutationdates and the suffix .txt lists this information. If matplotlib is available, a PDF file with the prefix mutationdates and the suffix .pdf is also created to plot this information. These files are overwritten if they already exist. If translateseqs is True, then these are the dates for the amino-acid mutations, not the nucleotide mutations.

  • lasttipdate is a number that should give the date of the last tip node of the tree. The times in the mutation paths are then measured in units before this date. This date is used to get the absolute value of the dates in mutationdates.

  • persistencefile is the name of a file to which we write the times that nodes persist before the trajectory moves to the next nodes. These persistence times are written only for nodes that occur and are present in nodenamefile and which also appear in a fraction of at least labelcutoff of the paths, and the nodes are labeled by the names specified in nodenamefile. The persistence of a node is the time until the move to the next node in the trajectory. If translateseqs is False, then this is the time until the next mutation. If translateseqs is True, then this is the time until the next nonsynonymous mutation. In this last case, the time until the next mutation of any type is also recorded. These times are only for paths that contain that node, and are the times until the first mutation for the first occurrence of the node in each path. The times are written as the posterior median over those paths containing the node, along with the 90% Bayesian credible interval (median centered).

Example input file

Here is an example input file:

# input file for
mutpathfile prot_mutpaths.txt
translateseqs False
minweight 0.01
labelcutoff 0.6
nodenamefile nodenames.fasta
mutationdates prot_mutationdates
lasttipdate 2010.69
persistencefile persistence.txt

Output files

This script creates the following output files:

  • dotfile is a DOT formatted graph that can be visualized by GraphViz. In the visualization, the areas of nodes are proportional to their weight, and the width of edges is proportional to their weight. The trajectory moves from the starting to ending sequence, with the position of nodes along the direction of movement (vertical) defined as the Hamming distance between that node and the starting sequence minus the Hamming distance between that node and the ending sequence plus the Hamming Distance between the starting and ending sequences.
  • mutationdates.txt is a text file giving the first dates of occurrences of mutations that occur in at least labelcutoff of the paths.
  • mutationdates.pdf is created if matplotlib is available. It is a PDF file plotting the first dates of occurrences of mutations that occur in at least labelcutoff of the paths.
  • persistencefile is a text file giving the persistence (time to next node) for nodes specified in nodenamefile and that occur in at least labelcutoff of the paths.

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